How to get 4,700 mg of potassium per day?

A healthy adult should aim to consume between 3,500 and 4,700 mg of food a day. To increase your intake, incorporate some foods rich in potassium into your diet, such as spinach, sweet potatoes, avocados, bananas, and fish, such as salmon. Bananas aren't the only fruits that contain potassium. Cantaloupe, dates, nectarines, and oranges have more than 250 milligrams per half-cup serving.

Dried peaches, apricots, plums, and raisins are also good sources. You should also consult your health care professional before trying salt substitutes, as they can increase potassium in people with certain health conditions and in people taking ACE inhibitors for high blood pressure. Getting this amount of potassium from your diet, with or without supplements, should be enough to stay healthy. As long as you eat a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of plant-based foods, you should get enough potassium.

Elijah Rinner
Elijah Rinner

General music maven. Friendly bacon ninja. Wannabe social media geek. Twitter lover. Wannabe internet practitioner. Evil tv geek.